Wednesday, March 23, 2011


genre : symphonic black
similar bands :  Carach Angren, Dimmu Borgir, Lyfthrashyr
origin :France
strong spot : symphonic arrangements and samples
weak spot : common chord progressions, lack of identity

 Interesting compositions that lack sth extrordinary.

7,5  out of 10 goatheads 

Click on title for Download link

Thursday, March 10, 2011


genre : symphonic/progressive death/black
similar bands :  Axamenta, Transcending Bizarre?, Kalmah
origin : Sweden
strong spot : performance
weak spot :sth groundbreaking is missing

A quite interesting album that lacks a surprising/groundbreaking element. Pretty much everything is predictable. This is not bad necessarily but in the era where 100 new CDs are released and leak every day, the listener demands sth extraordinary good.

7,9  out of 10 goatheads 

Click on title for Download link

FEN / DE ARMA split (2011)

genre :shoegaze, post-black
similar bands : Lantlos, Heretoir
origin : UK / Sweden
strong spot : the lyrics are not in French (like Alcest), trippy atmosphere
weak spot : some tracks lack diversity

I never understood the meaning of a split album but anyway, here Fen are presenting some more stuff that is very close to their stunning latest album but is somehow inferior. I didn't know De Arma before and I can say that their stuff is quite nice but they are missing diversity and strong character/originality.

8  out of 10 goatheads 

Click on title for Download link