genre : black metal
similar bands : Darkestrah, Dornenreich, Todtgelicher
origin : Germany
strong spot : vocals
weak spot :boring at parts
I have to admit that I was never a fan of Valborg but I saw a lot of potential in their previous work ''Crown of Sorrow''. Sadly, I was wrong. Valborg present a somewhat boring album that lacks energy, passion, continuity and originality. I would not label it as progressive since it is very flat and predictable. In any case, it has 2 or 3 tracks that show potential and talent. I will have to expect their next endeavour again...
I have to admit that I was never a fan of Valborg but I saw a lot of potential in their previous work ''Crown of Sorrow''. Sadly, I was wrong. Valborg present a somewhat boring album that lacks energy, passion, continuity and originality. I would not label it as progressive since it is very flat and predictable. In any case, it has 2 or 3 tracks that show potential and talent. I will have to expect their next endeavour again...
6,9 out of 10 goatheads
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