similar bands : Keep of Kalessin, Catamenia, Darzamat, Iskald
origin : Sweden
strong spot : melodies
origin : Sweden
strong spot : melodies
weak spot : lacks originality
8 out of 10 goatheads
My first acquaintance with Siebenburgen was a traumatic one. I still remember the terrible fake drums and the plastic production of one of their old albums. Nowadays, Siebenburgen changed for the better, the production and performance are extremely professional. Another notable change is that the synths serve as a background instrument in this album and the female voice is much more discrete. Even though their songwriting is a bit predictable and suffers from the ''I've heard it before'' syndrome, this album has some very good moments and doesn't get boring after repeated listens.
8 out of 10 goatheads