Sunday, November 28, 2010


genre : avantgarde black/death
similar bands : 
origin : France
strong spot : originality
weak spot : no essence here, just the will to play sth different

This album received tons of praising reviews since it was released a month ago or so. Personally I found it quite boring. There is no balance between descent songwriting and experimentation. The band seems to emphasize on playing differently but completely forgets that music is not a race of innovation but a race of musical composition and songwriting. Here we have atonal riffs, then again more weird atonal riffs, then again atonal riffs and then maybe some descent riffs or descent bizarre melodies. For me, this is the perfect example of hype. Once some people praise an album, the others follow and the hype is created. No tune,riff or melody can stick to the listener's ear apart from minor exceptions (i.e. the last track )

6,5 out of 10 goatheads

Download HERE:

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