Saturday, August 13, 2011


genre :symphonic death metal
similar bands : Hollenthon, Transcending Bizarre?, Septicflesh, Hour of Penance
origin : Italy
strong spot : classical orchestrations, compositions
weak spot : nothing too obvious

Death metal in the core, classical music in the surface.As a fan of symphonic music I have to bow my head in gratitude to the almighty Fleshgod Apocalypse. The band is more symphonic than ever and I guess their hardcore death metal fans will be disappointed. But the band shows huge new potential and present an almost flawless album that I never saw it coming. Extra credits go to the drummer that plays constantly at high speeds (live performance is definitely a challenge for him since he is always around 300 bpm) and to the synth player that has done a phenomenal work. Even though there is no orchestra taking part, the sounds and the arrangements are so advanced and complex that they give the illusion of a real orchestra. Clean vocals may sound strange to some ears but in the end the result is more than satisfying. A MUST RECOMMENDATION!!

9,5  out of 10 goatheads 

Click on title for Download link

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